Monday 28 October 2013

It has been too long...

The long winter has affected me spiritually and physically, so much that my desire to create and do all the things I normally enjoy doing on a regular basis almost impossible.

I was so affected by all that happened after Christmas 2012 until the first week in June that I failed to snap out of the depressive state I was in.  I was tired and worn out based on all that had to be done in the bigger shop and weighed down by so many day to day 'problems' which simply slowed everything down in the run up to getting the premises ready to function the way it was planned.

The planning permission took forever to come through and coupled with that, we moved out of the little shop which meant we had to inform as many of our customers as possible that we are now at the back, down the gravelled path.  Many of them thought we had gone and some could not find us.  We tried everything to secure their attention and awareness - bicycle decked with more flowers, bunches of balloons tied to the bike, black sign boards chalked with fancy writing, etc.

Amidst all that, we had British Gas demanding huge sums to be paid for gas which we have not used as we consistently gave them readings which showed almost no change in the figures (we only have a gas hob in the kitchen which we hardly use).  That was rather stressful, having to ring them on a weekly basis to explain the situation and they do not seem to register any of the information even though they claim the info is logged on computer and the telephone conversation is, "recorded for training purposes".

We also had a few big parties and photo-shoots which require numerous trips to London for site visits and carting around of props, vases and flowers which took the toll out of me!

I did a lot of things which have not much to do with floristry in the end and every bouquet and arrangement I created was done to save the day and to fulfil an order, not enjoyment or occupational satisfaction!

However, I managed in the end to remove myself from the shop and went home to Singapore for three weeks.  I saw my family and friends and somehow the sunny weather put some energy back into weakened body and spirit.  So glad I did that...

So here I am again, taking things slowly - still trying to sort out British Gas. 

In the pipeline, the café will open in a couple of weeks' time, the flower school will have a programme of workshops to satisfy the constant enquiries.

Wish me luck and drop by to say hello.  I need your support and encouragement.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Winter, Spring, Summer, Winter, all within days...

The last couple of months found me feeling hopeful, betrayed, seduced and then let down again and again. I am talking about the illusive weather! I believe we all need a holiday. Despite all attempts to keep positive. the energy in us is beginning to drain... Please, please, please. Let us have a bitof light and warmth. Sick of wearing those coats and scarves. I cannot wait to get to Nice again!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Photographing in poor light.

I have to do a few shots of my home to see if it is photo worthy for publication. Clearing the daily mess is one thing, making it look half decent is another and putting up with poor light due to the weather is definitely a dampener. Still I hope it looks interesting enough albeit with no flowers in sight, except for a few stems of hydrangeas and silk blossom. What do you think? I like the darkness of it all and I wish I learnt how to photograph in very low lighting. These are all taken with my Iphone which isn't ideal. Still, they seem to give a sense of evening bliss, when all is done and time to put one's feet up.

Sunday 13 January 2013

New Year, new style, new ideas.

With the new year comes a renewed energy and the determination to start again. At least, that's how I feel. The resolution to do better work, create more opportunities for expression and most of all to fulfil all the ideas which, owing to time constraints, could not be fully executed. Styling flowers to look natural is a hard feat to follow as no one can beat Mother Nature. However, it is possible to replicate the essence of it all if you look carefully at all around you. The bare branches waiting to sprout new growth, the bulbs all pushing their way through the ground to reach the light and the various silhouettes of the trees - like delicate coral - all add to the textures and mood of the moment, which in a word can be summed up as anticipation. Live the moment and do the things that inspire you today... let tomorrow be another adventure and most of all, be happy doing the things you love most. Live more, love more... be more!

Monday 29 October 2012

Bouquets for the Online Shop

Spent Saturday morning making these gorgeous bouquets which will be featured in our new online store. Of course, making them is one thing. But having to think of a reference for them, i.e. a name for each bouquet or even a reference number requires thought. Besides, the terms and conditions are vital too. Modes of payment have also to be considered. So much to think about... Meanwhile, enjoy them and let me know your favourites!

The White Orchid Living Store

I am so proud to share with you a few photos of the new store, which is just behind our current shop at 10 York Road. This building used to be a car repair workshop, then a fruit and vegetables store, before finally being used by a joiner who made staircases, doors and door frames, windows and anything which could be fashioned out of wood. But now, it is becoming a destination outlet for the local community and hopefully in the future for people further afield. We have already had a photoshoot done for a cake designer in combination with some of our furniture and gifts. I hope to see the images in some magazines soon. Many visitors have asked if the venue is available for meetings, conferences and networking groups. We are open to any proposal and if you would like to come for a viewing, please drop by anytime between 10.00am and 5.00pm. We will be delighted to discuss your requirements. But here are a few photos to entice you and set your imagination alight!

Sunday 23 September 2012

The White Orchid Living

The last few weeks have been packed with decisions to make, plans on how our new venture is going to look, how to market the products and services we will provide and all the little details that will make the place a destination worth everyone's while.

The first of three chandeliers going up... took our breath away!

The place where many of our heart-warming and mouth-watering meals will be made... with love, of course! 

We have done our research on the local shopping experience and have, with most of our customers, friends and associates, come to the conclusion that there really isn't a shop that is all encompassing.  The experience of going into a store which not only enthuses you but inspires you, is so important these days. Most of the big stores tend not to deliver in those areas mainly through their lack of differentiation in terms of merchandise and service.
Everything is homogenised and there is not much to make you smile, think or even decide to feel you wish to part with your cash, for the sake of possessing that object which should ultimately bring days, months, and years of enjoyment.

Here's a taster of what is to come at The White Orchid Living store.  Let us know what you think!

 Beautiful floral arrangements and our usual inimitable bouquets,
 wall art and ornaments,
 repainted, vintage furniture - mainly French,
 a very exclusive collection of well-chosen  pieces of beautifully made occasion dresses,

 ideas for wedding or dining celebrations,

 delicious and pretty cakes to tempt you to tea,

 two main new ranges of room sprays and candles with the most mesmerising scents by Christian Tortu - celebrated florist of Paris and Ines de la Fressange, the all time-face of France and muse of Karl Lagerfeld of Chanel,

 interiors to make you go change a whole room scheme,

 various shades of candles to add to the splendour of Autumn and Christmas,

 new glass and ceramic vases for all your floral dreams and inclinations,

and altogether a different new approach to living the dream of a beautiful life...