Sunday, 13 January 2013

New Year, new style, new ideas.

With the new year comes a renewed energy and the determination to start again. At least, that's how I feel. The resolution to do better work, create more opportunities for expression and most of all to fulfil all the ideas which, owing to time constraints, could not be fully executed. Styling flowers to look natural is a hard feat to follow as no one can beat Mother Nature. However, it is possible to replicate the essence of it all if you look carefully at all around you. The bare branches waiting to sprout new growth, the bulbs all pushing their way through the ground to reach the light and the various silhouettes of the trees - like delicate coral - all add to the textures and mood of the moment, which in a word can be summed up as anticipation. Live the moment and do the things that inspire you today... let tomorrow be another adventure and most of all, be happy doing the things you love most. Live more, love more... be more!