Monday 7 December 2009


A customer came in and ordered an arrangement for her son's grave
for Christmas. She has been for the past four years and this is the fifth anniversary of his passing and without doubt would come in to the shop to arrange for flowers to remember him by.

What struck me most is her eyes were always filled with tears before she came in. I almost felt uncomfortable because I did not know what I should do. Half of me wanted to hug her and reassure her and half of me wanted to help her remove that pain. I guess I will never understand how great the sorrow is when it is one's child who has passed away. You simply do not forget, do you? The ache in your heart will always be there and it must be harder when the child died young.

My job is to make the arrangement so beautiful that it helps to take the mind off momentarily and also provide some degree of comfort.

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