Thursday 26 April 2012

Oh to be in England, now that spring is here...

We are at the very end of April and the weather is still not very spring like. The winds are howling outside the shop, threatening to blow all our bouquets and potted plants away. Then it started raining furiously, sending huge drops of water down our way. We had to rescue all our bouquets and managed to keep them all still looking fresh and saleable. The things we have to do other than create! I had to keep sane and the only way is to do something different. Mood boards! Off I went to Arte, the art gallery and master framer for some mounting card and paper tape. The past few weeks have been quite inspiring where flowers are concerned. I found various salmon pink spring flowers at the market and simply had to buy them for the shop. They proved to be popular as anemones, ranunculus and lilacs all came in that 'oh-so-gorgeous' shade of pink which in a moment of marketing genius, I termed 'Chanel Pink'. Everyone fell for them.
I mounted each single flower on the board to form a recipe for the bouquets based on that shade and I had to get Tim of Tim Hollis Photography to photograph them. The results are so satisfying that they have now been added to our reference 'library' for all who work at The White Orchid. So the rain did bring some moments of happiness after all! Would you like to see more?

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